Message from the Director

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to The Homeschool Academy (THSA) Program and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Our enthusiasm, commitment to education, and solid teamwork will ensure each and every student’s success this year. 

At The Homeschool Academy, we all work closely together as a team: students, parents/guardians, school district administration, school board members, the school’s principal, and educational staff. Each member has a specific and essential role. When this teamwork is solid and fluid, our students will thrive academically and emotionally. 

Important Roles and Responsibilities:

Students: Perform all tasks to the best of their ability. Be always respectful. Come to school ready and enthusiastic to learn - participating one hundred percent in every session each day.  This is shown by being ready to share ideas, cooperate, and collaborate with a positive mindset.  

Parents/Guardians: Ensure children arrive and leave the school on time. Be prepared to communicate with the director on a consistent basis and encourage and support your child’s progress along the way. Support your child in being prepared for each day with all items necessary for success. Support the Director in addressing behavior issues should they occur.

Educational Staff: Ensure that the children have rich learning experiences, which cause them to wonder and grow as thinkers and learners. 

Director: As an Educator and the Director of The Homeschool Academy Program, I am committed to working my hardest every day to continue to develop and lead this incredible program. I will aspire to help your child reach his/her full potential through teaching and supporting instructors who offer engaging, thoughtful, inspirational lessons that incorporate opportunities to practice cooperation, collaboration, and communication.  In addition, I will strive to support every member of our THSA community so that this work can continue well into the future.  I feel so fortunate to be able to deepen the educational experiences of our students. 

When we all commit to our essential roles and responsibilities, our students will grow immensely this year as citizens and as learners.

 I hope to see you volunteering in our classrooms, joining in your child’s outdoor adventures, and attending our other exceptional events. I look forward to connecting with this amazing community of learners!


Alissa McGonigal, M.Ed.

Director/Lead Teacher

The Homeschool Academy, LPOSD #84