Our School
In 2016, the Lake Pend Oreille School District #84 started a one of a kind public school program for homeschooling families in Sandpoint, Idaho. At the completion of the second year, with nearly 80 students regularly attending, LPOSD#84 renovated a building, so that THSA (The Homeschool Academy) would have a larger home/school building to operate in starting in their 3rd year. Now in its 8th year of existence, it is stronger than ever serving more than 90 home schooled children in Bonner County.
When the Idaho State Department of Education was informed of this new LPOSD #84 School, they had to devise a definition as to what it meant; this type of school had not existed in Idaho previously. The State Department of Education designation is: “A part-time supplemental educational service for homeschooled children within Bonner County”. A student is considered in attendance, by attending one day per week at minimum.
At its inception, it was determined that families were looking for three things: education opportunities in the sciences, arts and also socialization opportunities for students. THSA still holds true to these original requests. Students and parents help to form upcoming sessions by giving suggestions and feedback each year. Our newly formed Parent Advisory Council meets with the director and helps to form the next steps in our offerings, supports our vision and helps with the events that our families have created and continue to nurture. As the program has grown over the years, THSA has sought out qualified instructors to support the vision of the programs at the school and the increased number of students.
Students can select one or two days of attendance per week and make a commitment for the entire session. There are three sessions per year and each session block offers new courses, (called sessions).
The school continues to evolve and grow with outstanding, standards based, out of the box teaching. We value hands on learning and 100% student engagement at our school. The instructional staff is guided in writing their own curriculum that inspires creativity and motivation to learn. All curriculums are reviewed, edited, and approved by the Director.
The Homeschool Academy is a growing Educational Institution, where community, collaboration, communication, and creativity are fostered. Students and staff work together and focus on the 3 R's - respect, ready to learn and responsiblity. These agreements are posted on the wall for all to see and work as a guide for behavior and learning all year long.
The ongoing mission of THSA, is to guide a community of learners, who contribute to the direction of their learning path, by having an active voice in “what next” and having all students make the commitment to engage fully in the learning opportunities provided.